GOGO events

Elder Major Sumner led our corroboree

Specifically designed by GOGO events in collaboration with Elder Major Sumner

Entrance to the beach event along with the locals on the Jetty - a wonderful event atmoshpere

Set-up complete, ready for guests to arrive

Fire art designed in Aboriginal symbols are revealed as the tide receded later into the night

Floral Table decor for The Great Gatsby dinner for the Australian Orthodontists conference 2014

We brought Dulcie's Bus - the opp-shop Bus of Opportunities where all funds made go to Hutt Street Centre and Centacare. We dressed our guest who had travelled from far and wide for The Great Gatsby dinner at the Adelaide Town Hall. What fun it was and all for such great causes.

We screen printed 650 t-shirts by hand in at the Adelaide College of the Arts and taught 10 disadvantaged women this fine art in the process. The t-shirts were used as charicovers at the Food Awards dinner and guests took them home as a momento.